Examples Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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In society, everything revolves around technology. Because of this, people lose focus on what’s most important in the world; each other. Society and the book Fahrenheit 451 are parallels. The book exaggerates what contemporary society is like. Guy Montag, the main character of the book, starts out as a regular pawn in society’s plans. After a certain encounter, his eyes open and he begins to see the problem. Ray Bradbury, the author of the book, helps shed light on these issues by using Montag as an example. In the novel, Montag reads a poem out loud for Mildred and her friends and ends up upsetting Mrs. Phelps. To calm her down and make her feel better, Mildred says to her “Come on, let’s be cheery, you turn the ‘family’ on now. Go ahead. …show more content…

He’s intrigued and goes to touch it but jumps back when it growls at him. He sees Beatty a little after and tells him “I was just figuring, what does the Hound think about there nights? Is it coming alive on us, really? It makes me cold.” Beatty says that it doesn't think anything at all unless they give it something to think about and Montag tells him that that is sad. The Hound’s job is to find any threat to their society. Montag and Beatty don’t share the same opinion which is why the Hound shows aggression toward Montag. It can tell that he’s reading books which is something that’s heavily looked down upon. After his encounter, Montag feels the need to share the experience with the Hound with somebody, and that somebody just so happens to be Beatty. When he does share this, it’s clear to see that Beatty already knows that something is up. Even with a world that’s heavily influenced by technology, there’s still a way to make a connection between people. Some people will go to concerts together. Others will go out to dinner. Some just go to the park or stay at home and chat. Technology isn’t necessary when wanting to connect with someone. With technology like phones, tablets, and computers, many of my friends only have conversations with me over text. At lunch, I’m able to talk to my friends about almost anything. Being there with them and being able to connect is an …show more content…

He thinks about there an old joke about the wife who talked so much on the telephone that her desperate husband ran out to the nearest store and telephoned her to ask what was for dinner. Well, why didn’t he buy himself an audio-Seashell broadcasting station and talk to his wife late at night…” Montag lays in bed and realizes that he doesn’t have late-night talks with his wife, or talks with her at night at all. She always has Seashells in listening to someone else ramble about nonsense. He then wonders why he hasn’t gone to get some Seashells of his own so he and his wife can have a conversation. With a person whether it be family, a significant other, or just a random person, if you are within each other’s presence, you shouldn’t need a device to speak with them. Montag and Mildred are married and don’t have meaningful conversations with each other throughout the day and the night. Montag is beginning to feel like he needs to get Seashells to talk to his wife. Be believes that’s the only way she’ll listen to him. When communication is lacking in a relationship, it can lead to serious problems, especially in a marriage. Marriage is considered to be a lifelong commitment. You’re expected to work everything out and stay happily in love for the rest of your lives but that won’t happen if you don’t communicate. Lack of