Technology In Wall-E And Fahrenheit 451

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Technology in Wall-E and Fahrenheit 451 Both Wall-E and Fahrenheit 451 have serious warnings to humanity the dangers of becoming too reliant on technology. Throughout both works there is emphasis on how technology separates people from their fellow man. There are also examples of technology actively going against man in both works. Both works see technology as a major contributor to the deterioration of the human race. In Fahrenheit 451, Montag’s wife, Mildred, has a severe attachment to her different forms of entertainment. Her “relatives” on the television walls is particularly concerning to Montag. When Montag begins to feel ill and is disturbed by the noise of the relatives, he asks if she would turn them off for him. She responds saying …show more content…

The firemen of Fahrenheit 451 have a robot companion to help them perform their duty called the hound. It is a metallic creature that is meant to attack those running from the firemen and inject them with an anesthetic so they can not attempt escape. Montag has an uneasy feeling about the hound throughout the book. When it is first introduced, Montag decides to approach it. When he touches it, a “growl simmered in the beast and it looked at him,”(Bradbury, 23). It responds aggressively to him, since it is a machine only meant for attacking and wounding. Later, after Montag’s confrontation with Beatty, he is chased by the hound through the city. The hound moves around “silent as a drift of death itself,” (Bradbury, 128). It chases him without emotion, it’s only goal to get it’s target. The hound is an example of technology getting out of hand and affecting humanity in an extremely negative way. It does not truly help anybody, but is only used for violence. The autopilot of Wall-E has a similar effect on the population of the Axiom. Auto was meant to be a tool to allow the citizens and captain to relax, but in the end he only ends up hindering them. When Wall-E and Eve bring the plant life to the captain, Auto steals and hides it, even though one of the main missions of the ship was to find plant life and return back to their home on earth after it was