
Examples Of The Legacy Of Anne Frank

949 Words4 Pages

Kyle Khong
Mrs. Carlos
ELA Period 5
09 March 2023
Legacy of Anne Frank
Legacy, what is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see, legends are the ones who plant those seeds; representing a time others will remember forever. The play The Diary of Anne Frank by Frank Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett explores the legacy and the young jewish legend that was left behind in the Holocaust but is still cherished to this day. The Holocaust was the systematic persecution of over six million Jewish People led by the oppressionist Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. The diary written by Anne Frank helps give insight into how she and her family had to live with total strangers in a cramped annex for two long years. As well as the misery …show more content…

Frank settled, “We are all here, alive. That is present enough” (C5 Goodrich & Hackett 316). This demonstrates during the Holocaust, each day to live was a gift. While thousands or millions of Jewish death and torment is happening around the annex; the families stay in peace, and safety while others are suffering. As Margot recalls getting presents each day of Hanukkah; each one getting better and better, Mrs. Frank refutes that still being alive is better enough with the time they are in. Anne couldn’t agree with her mother, living wasn’t just enough and that they had the right to deserve presents as well; so Anne made gifts for both her family, the Van Daan’s, and Mr. Dussel. If the worry and fear of all that is happening around the annex was slowly creeping in, the families deserve the right to have a moment of peace in the chaos. While the others were dreaming of how it was, how it could be or would be for Hanukkah, Anne Frank reminded them about the delights, respects and fortune of it that could happen then and …show more content…

For instance Anne proclaims, “I’d cut my throat first! I’d open my veins! I’m going to be remarkable! I’m going to Paris …” (Goodrich/Hackett 300). This reveals the anger after the built up tension from Anne and Mr. Van Daan, she couldn’t keep being walked over so she spoke her mind. After Mr. Van Daan ushers her to be quiet, and be more like her sister who is quiet and reserved; he started saying men like women who were quiet and always helpful to their male counterparts. Mr. Van Daan was trying to push that belief onto Anne Frank but she refutes it, she will not be pushed down as other women would have, or live just for someone else.Later in the text it states, “I'm going to be a famous dancer or singer … or something wonderful” (Goodrich/Hackett 300). Anne couldn’t stand being told what she had to do. Even during the horrific times such as the Holocaust where survival should be most important, she still holds her will and belief of the future as top priority. Later generations would take this advice and be more confident about themselves, fighting for what they want and never be held back down to

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