How Is Anne Frank Relevant In The 1940s

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One bright veiw

My essay today will be about the Holocaust, and how women's rights were not relevant in the 1940s. Anne Frank is one of the many women that felt women should have the same rights as men. I will mostly talk about how much of a hero Anne was to many men and women. Anne saw the world from a bright view, even under the circumstances which were often gloomy and depressing.

Anne frank was a very independent person. She already knew what she wanted to be by the age of 14. In the 1940s women didn't have a job, they were supposed to be “housewives”.Not Anne though she knew she was gonna be something. She knew she should be valued just as much as a man was valued. Anne standing up to Van Daan, about her opinions on women's rights was powerful. Women weren't supposed to stand up to a man the way Anne did. She was smart and …show more content…

Now we have way more freedom to vote, have jobs, and be in the government. Most important women and men for the most part are viewed as equals. 1940 though was very tough and excruciating. They were treated very unfairly. They were not supposed to want to be independent and free like Anne wanted to be. Anne was popular at school, Even though everyone could tell how different she was. Anne was known for being loud and dramatic, And no one was used to a girl(woman) being loud.

Anne knew how to stand up for herself, In a way, people weren't used to it in the 1940s. When you compare now and then we have so much more freedom. Anne went through so much that for most people we could never relate. Even though she went through everything she did, she always had a positive outlook on everything. Anne showed people all around the world not to be a bystander. To stand up for what you believe is right. Even if no one believes what you think is right, To stand your ground and fight for it. She had a strong view that was taken away from this world way before it should have