
Examples Of Tituba In The Crucible

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Tituba the witch The crucible by Arthur Miller is about the Salem Witch Trials in Salem, Massachusetts. Many people in Salem truly believed that witchcraft was real and lived by that. Majority of the citizens also often thought that they could see the devils spirit in people and they knew when someone was guilty of witchcraft. Sorcery of any kind was extremely looked down upon in Salem at that time. In all the churches and everywhere they went, they were being told that witches were real and to shun anyone who partook in the devil’s work. They often thought that “the devil is precise [and that the] marks of his presence [were as] definite as stone” (crucible, miller). If anyone was convicted of witchcraft or even merely showing signs of it, they were exiled immediately. …show more content…

She would also cast spells in the forest which caused people to believe that she was practicing witchcraft. She was the first person to ever be accused and convicted of dealing with the supernatural and because of that, the whole town was not on her side. She told everyone that “the devil came to [her] and bid [her] serve him” (crucible, Miller) which basically meant that she was controlled by the devil and she had no say in any of it. People of Salem went as far as to say that they saw her dancing with the devil and they could tell that she was doing it on purpose. She was also told that her spell casting in the forest was witchcraft and that was added to the list of reasons for her to be shunned. They thought she had befriended the devil herself and basically saw him as her master when she was just wrongly

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