
Examples Of Transcendentalism In Dead Poets Society

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When I was little my mother would try to feed me baby food; I would refuse it. After weeks of my father and mother trying to force me to eat baby food, My mother started to feed me Spaghetti O’s and softer foods so I would eat. This showed non-conformity because I rebelled against baby food. Another way non-conformity and other transcendentalism traits are shown in the movie the Dead Poets’ Society. It is about a couple of boys who go to Welton Academy and they meet a different kind of teacher named Mr. Keating. He teaches them about transcendentalism. Transcendentalism is that our souls have a deeper connection to nature , and our minds can thrive and improve society. Dead Poets’ Society demonstrates non-conformity and human potential which are both traits of transcendentalism. …show more content…

Keating. Non conformity is when a person goes against everyone else's thoughts or actions to express their thoughts and feelings. At the end of the movie, he stands on the desk for Mr. Keating. The academy blames Mr. Keating because they feel his teachings led Neil to rebel against his parents’ wishes and commit suicide. Todd’s parents and the academy forces Todd to sign a document to say it was Mr. Keating’s fault for Neil suicide. When Mr. Keating is grabbing the last of his things, Todd stands and start apologizes to Mr. Keating for signing the document. As he talking to Mr. Keating, the new teacher is ordering him to stop, but he goes against his teachers’ order and stands on the desk for Mr. Keating. With Todd standing on the desk other students started joining and clapping for Mr. Keating. This clearly shows nonconformity because he stands on the desk and went against the teacher in the classroom

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