
Examples Of Utilitarianism

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1. Utilitarian focus more on the present because it focus on the consequence of the evil act the harm themselves. If you are wrong in the present it will focus on too much evil. 2. Act utilitarian, good, harm for the greatest number of people, so they tend to look at societal benefits, not just those, such as family member, who are most impacted. 3. Kant theory the humanitarian principle would disapprove my decision on giving my coworker a box of see’s chocolates. Kent principle states that always treat others as an end in themselves, treat them with individual dignity and respect do not use them merely for your own purpose. Using patty to meet my favorite singer will be using her for my own purpose. If I never like patty I should not …show more content…

Aristotle’s 3 kind of friendship are those of utility useful to achieve our goals), those of pleasure (useful for fun and frolic and those of virtue (like-minded in seeking to be good and who wish us well. Example will be friends of virtue help us stay on track and not give up. In the Gran Torino a good example of friendship will me Mr. Walt. He had pleasure which is one of the three kind of friendship for Aristotle. Mr. Walt was a pleasure friend because he help the family and wish them well because they were always caring for him. 5. The two similarities between act utilitarian and rule utilitarian is that they both want good and lest harm for the greatest number of people. The differences is Act utilitarian wants the most good or least harm for the greatest number of people directly affected by the decision. That the act will result in in the best or least harmful consequences for the specific act. As for rule utilitarian tries to maximize good and minimize harm for the greatest number of …show more content…

Cassandra and her mother had the right to refused chemo because it is Cassandra’s body. Cassandra is the one that make her decision even though she is under age. She owns her body so she is the only one that can make the decision. Cassandra is under age but she can tell her mom that she refuses to get chemo. Her mother as her represented will respect her daughter’s decision. If Cassandra and her mother refused chemo is because she knows is going to be painful and the possibilities of living 80-85% is not very idealistic. I believe they both have different believes from the doctor therefore, they will seek alternative treatment. Both have the right to refused services if they don’t agree with the doctor. Aristotle’s states in his virtue ethics passions. Passion such as fear, hatred, longing, joy, appetite, confidence and feeling accompanying pleasure or pain. I agree with Aristotle’s because passion can be fear but at the same time bring confidence. Cassandra and her mother might be fear of the outcomes of not receiving chemo, but at the same time feel confidence if they received alternative

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