Examples Of What America Looks Like From A Jail In South Texas

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Final Argument Essay It’s still considered the American Dream to have individual rights, freedom, democracy, and equality. Throughout the essays we have read, people talk about how Americans are still falling short of the American Dream. Although some people have seen that America has set its American Dream, people who worked hard and are observant throughout our society think that people have fallen short of the American Dream. Most of the time, people do not realize that we live in a society where people struggle really hard just to survive and help their families. While some who are rich hog all the money and keep it to themselves. It feels like rich people take advantage of society and how they can bribe politicians to make it their …show more content…

America claims to have free opportunity, but to immigrants, there tends to be none. Illegal immigrants aren’t treated well by people in the government and are forced into detention centers or jails. Jose Antonio Vargas is a Filipino writer and immigrant activist who suffered the same experience as any other illegal immigrant just to find a better opportunity in America. He states in the article “What America Looks Like From A Jail In South Texas”, “This is a country that prides itself as one founded and built by immigrants, but also one whose laws and policies have historically been anti-immigrant.” This statement itself brings out how much immigrants helped out America, and yet America still doesn’t accept the fact that immigrants were the ones who shaped our society. He also stated that ”This is a country that depends on immigrant labor, often cheap labor, especially from undocumented workers, while spending billions of dollars a year detaining, incarcerating and deporting people the government deems ‘illegal’.” This shows how America is stuck in the past and is focused on protecting the idea of democracy rather than focusing on the inner side of America. America is too focused on immigration that people who are homeless also are struggling just to live a decent