Examples Of Worthy And Unworthy Worship

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a. The Worthy and Unworthy Worship
Worship is about God and for the glorification of His name; it is a celebration of love that gives life and empowering to His people, who worship Him in righteousness. Specifically, worship involves abandoning oneself to God and presenting Him an offering for the atonement of sin. Significantly, people come to His presence to verbalize their affection to Him through an ardent worship and harmonize relationship with Him. The Bible delineates that God shows great favor to those who faithfully embraces His will and His displeasure and wrath to those who refuse to worship Him. Therefore, God’s people should give themselves to a life of worship that honors the God of love.
The Bible provides people an inspiring …show more content…

In the beginning, God would speak and give them divine guidance and instructions on how they should live and relate to Him. (Genesis 4:7). Adam and Eve loved and feared God; thus, Cain and Abel learned and developed their faith through their teachings and instructions. (Romans 10:17) Furthermore, they were trained properly to worship God through an offering.
A good example of worthy and unworthy worship in the Old Testament is that of Cain and Abel. Both Cain and Abel worshiped God; however, the Bible critically expressed that Abel responded hastily according to God’s instructions and requirements for worship while Cain worshiped God in accordance to His will and presumptions. Abel’s life exhibited a life of love, worship, and obedience that in his great awe of God, he offered Him the firstlings of his flock and their fat portions—life sacrifice. God saw it and was well pleased and honored. As a result, God accepted Abel and his love offering and blessed his faithful obedience, which God accredited to him as righteousness. (Genesis 4:4) Concerning Cain, I presumed, he disregarded God’s holy exaction for worship because he likewise wanted to offer God the best of his produce from the fruit of the ground, similar to that of Abel concerning his flocks. Cain believed in his …show more content…

The Bible emphatically teaches, “For the wage of sin is death, but the gift of life is eternal life in Jesus.” (Romans 6:23) Nevertheless, God is unwilling that anyone of His people perish, but for them to come to repentance. Therefore, to nullify the power of sin death in people’s lives, God instituted the worship of blood sacrifice as a means of human redemption. Chapter 4:3-4 of Genesis placed immense gravity on worship and it should be fundamental in people’s lives. At first, God purposely used Abel’s reverent way of worshipping God as a good example to illustrate how humankind should appropriately behave before God. Later on, God sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to model and lead humanity into an excellent kind of worship that is most pleasing and acceptable to God. The New Testament Gospels gave irrefutable evidence that Jesus indeed led a worshipful life until His death. He completely surrendered His life to God, and thus, lived in total dependence and unconditional obedience to the point of death. Jesus not only died on the cross to redeem mankind for God but since the beginning of His life, He already counted himself dead in the flesh for Him to be alive in the Spirit of God. Thus, Jesus is both a Savior and a worthy sacrifice to atone for the sins of the