
Excerpt From 'The Garden Of Forking Paths'

476 Words2 Pages

1. The Garden of Forking Paths starts with a historian disagreeing with a story written by another historian #storywithinstory Word Count: 125 2. Story told in the form of a deposition by Yu Tsun, who is charged with murder Word count: 79 3. Dr. Yu Tsun is a spy! Tries to get a hold of colleague, but instead Captain Madden is on the line. Uh oh, he knows. #doubleagent Word count: 130 4. Yu Tsun has a very important message that must be relayed to the ‘chief’ before Captain Madden can get to him. Ready, set, go! Word count: 129 5. The chief is never in physical contact with his spies but communicates through searching the newspaper in Berlin. Word count: 116 6. Tsun has a gun, which has only one bullet in it. Word count: 50 7. “A pistol report can be heard at a great distance…the book listed the person capable of transmitting the msg” (21). #foreshadow? …show more content…

At Tsun’s deposition he explains he didn’t do it for Germany, but rather to show that a yellow man could be a hero. #motif Word Count: 124 9. Tsun needs to get to the train to before Madden gets to him or else he will fail. Word Count: 84 10. Tsun gets off and a couple children guide him to Dr. Albert’s house. A left at every crossroad #maze? Word Count: 103 11. Tsun recalls his great grandfather, once a governor, gave it up to construct labyrinth that was never found and novel which made no sense. Word Count: 140 12. Albert greets Tsun and tells the story of his grandfather’s labyrinth and novel. Labryinth reps the novel. Symbolism. Word Count: 119 13. Instead of chronological storyline novel, Ts’ui’s novel relied on the idea of branching time rather than space. Word Count: 114 14. When a character reaches a path digressing into multiple possibilities, the character chooses all of the possibilities. Word Count:

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