
Exemplification Essay's Argument Against Abortion

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We all get to make choices in this world, so why not give that baby of yours a chance. It has done nothing wrong to you and hadn’t been given any chances yet. Aborting your own baby? Think twice. It’s an akin to murder and the same as taking a human life. Although many would argue that the fetus is not yet a human being because it cannot survive on its own outside the uterus, but in reality human life begins at conception. The moment the egg and the sperm fuse together, a distinctively human, alive, and individual organism comes into life. Unlike cars and machineries, the fetus does not come into existence part by part. Although the fetus cannot self-sustain and must rely on the mother’s body for survival, the mother adds nothing but nutrition …show more content…

Wade case of 1973, it declared most state anti-abortion laws unconstitutional and that decision should be overturned. This decision has cost the lives of 56 million innocent babies cruelly torn from their mother’s womb. How is this not like the Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia? The right to privacy defended Roe v. Wade and that is “utterly idiotic” according to US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Justice William H. Rehnquist also believes that an abortion “is not ‘private’ in the ordinary usage of that word. Nor is the 'privacy' that the Court finds here even a distant relative of the freedom from searches and seizures protected by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution..." This case was initially filed at the Dallas federal district courthouse on March 3, 1970 by pregnant Noma MCorvey or named as “Jane Roe” in court documents. McCorvey was seeking to end her pregnancy, but abortion was illegal in Texas except to save the mother’s life. To support her case, McCorvey said the pregnancy was the result of rape, but she later admitted that she lied to raise her chances of winning the case. Although, abortion was soon made legal, McCorvey still delivered her baby and gave it up for adoption and became a pro-life supporter and an evangelical Christian in

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