
Explain Beveridge's Economic Motives For Imperialism

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What were Beveridge's economic motives for imperialism?
Beveridge’s economic motives for imperialism derived from industrialization and the current economic growth America was already witnessing. This was the period where industrialization was growing at a rapid pace not only in the United States but worldwide. He made the case that the opposition was correct in resisting imperialism in the past because there was no need for new land back then. However, in this new period of time, the need to take control of new land was prominent for America's economy “but the Opposition is right—there is a difference. We did not need the western Mississippi Valley when we acquired it, nor Florida, nor Texas, nor California, nor the royal provinces of the …show more content…

Ugarte argued that America was able to manipulate foreign countries by making them believe that the United States intentions in a foreign land were benevolent in improving their nation “In this manner, it has proceeded to create subconsciously, in the countries it has “manipulated,” a peculiar state of mind” (Ugarte). He believed that the United States was better equipped to imperialize foreign territories than past conquerors because history had shown America what worked and what could work even better. Ugarte thought the United States was “implacable in its greed” and due to its intelligence through histories imperialism, it was better informed on how to carry it out. According to Ugarte not only did America had the knowledge of past imperialism they had the capability, the greed, passion and information to carry it out “with a breath of vision embracing many centuries, better informed and more resolute than any, without fits of passion, without forgetfulness, without fine sensibilities, without fear, carrying out a world activity in which everything is seen” (Ugarte). He thought that the United States gained influence because it knew how to make foreign countries believe that their intentions were good and would only benefit them “North American Imperialism is the perfect instrument of domination which has been known throughout the ages”

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