Explain How Companies Can Legally Put Some Crazy Things In Your Food Essay

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Do you know what is actually in your food”?” Companies can legally put some crazy things in your food. This essay will discuss weird food facts, some history of food, the confusing things, and things in your food. There are some weird things about food. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth. The thing about peanuts they are not nuts they are legumes. The thing about nutmeg in high doses it can be used as a hallucinogen. Coconut can be used as blood plasma. Apples, pears, and plums belong to the rose family as in a flower. Ripe cranberries will bounce like bouncy balls. Eating bananas can help fight depression in humans. A fruit called the Japanese yubari cantaloupe is 11,750 dollars for one. Most wasabi eaten is not real it is colored horseradish. An average ear of corn as an even amount of rows it's usually 16. If you eat radish you are eating something in the cabbage family(Rosa). …show more content…

Oklahoma’s state vegetable is a watermelon even knowing its a fruit. Real balsamic vinegar cost 75 to 400 dollars that's a lot of money. Appalachia tooth decay is caused by mountain dew. 2013 Nathan hot dog eating contest winner ate 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Did you know that one plate at a Chinese buffet is 1000 calories./ The most expensive pizza in the world cost 12,000 dollars and 72 hours to make. The twist in pretzels is meant to look like the crossed arms in prayer. The thing about ketchup is it wasn't something to dip fries in, in the 1800’s it was medicine. Tea bags weren't meant to be tea bag they were an accident they were samples. Could you imagine candy as money well chocolate was? Humans are born craving