Explain How People Often Use Images To Express Their Ideas About God

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‘People often use images to express their ideas about God’
Describe two images of God, which you have studied and outline the understanding of God that is expressed in each image. (40)

Throughout the course of history, humankind has always had a habit of putting some sort of face to their various gods. By giving their mystical, sometimes mighty and all-powerful figures a carefully crafted image, people can better relate and communicate with their god. This method of putting an image of God in place, to represent how they envision god, and to better explain to others what exactly god represents is an action that is still present today. It is clearly visible in contemporary society, particularly through the likes of films, music, literature and television. And these actions of giving God a character and personality, could still be compared to the drawings of nature based Gods on cave walls around Europe …show more content…

In this movie, god appears to be all knowing, keeping endless filed about all of earth’s citizens, and aware of every action, of every prayer sent his way. God comes across as very wise man, who knows what is best for everyone, and this is realised in the film, when Bruce realises that God has been doing the right thing for him all along, something that Bruce himself has been critical of in the past.

A key theme of this film, and key element of the depiction of God in this movie, is that God is underappreciated and his work often goes unnoticed by those on earth. At one point in the movie, we see God dressed as a janitor, followed by an electrician. Perhaps this is to emphasise that like the janitors and electricians of the world, God keeps everything running and working but in this modern age receives very little praise for doing