Essay On How To Overcome Communication Barriers

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- How to overcome communication barriers - - Demonstrate respect for cultural diversity in all communication with students, their families, staff and others. - Use communication constructively to develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence. - Make efforts where language barriers exist, to communicate in the most effective way possible. - Seek assistance from interpreters or other persons as required. - Demonstrate respect for cultural diversity in all communication with clients, their families, staff, customers and others. - Use communication constructively to develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence. - Make efforts where language barriers …show more content…

- How to access interpreters and bilingual staff. - Directions on how to get around their immediate regions and localities ─ information on how to get from one place to another in their home town, this may be necessary for work, disability access or hospital treatments. - General information about Australia, such as climate, flora and fauna. This is important, as these details may impact on the health and safety of some clients. - Specific information about climatic conditions, historical facts and social activities in their own regions and localities. Social aspects of life in Australia are extremely important for new migrants and young people. - Culturally diverse client groups often have complex needs related to their particular life situation or history. Whilst you can’t know everything about every culture, you can learn basic information that will make your clients feel comfortable and special. This could include: - Traditional greetings. - Religious, political and social taboos. - Appropriate interpersonal communication. - Raising their

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