Explain How Video Games Affect The Brain

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How Video Games Affect the Brain
Arronice Hathaway
Daymar College

Today I will be writing about how video games affect the brain. Let me start by saying that I don’t personally feel like the affect the brain at all. I feel like people say this to get away with murder instead of suffering the consequences of their actions. People in the world have lost their mind and I personally feel like people will say anything to be free and blame everyone but themselves for their own actions. After doing research it looks like there are a lot of people that believe that videos games have a positive and negative influence on people. They have long term and short-term influences on a person depending on the age and game. Now I did not specifically …show more content…

But I think it’s all based on how you retain the information that you take in we are all taught differently and brought u in different homes. A home that has love and care in it won’t be affected by a video game due to the fact that the family will show them the real meaning of love if the video game has death or not.

Dr. Mercola. (2017, July 27). How Video Games Affect Your Brain. Retrieved from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/07/27/how-video-games-affect-your-brain.aspx
Fletcher, L. (2015, October 15). 14 Mass Murders Linked to Violent Video Games. Retrieved from https://www.charismanews.com/culture/52651-14-mass-murders-linked-to-violent-video-games
Frontiers. (2017, June 22). Video games can change your brain: Studies investigating how playing video games can affect the brain have shown that they can cause changes in many brain regions. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170622103824.htm
Gentle, D. (2009, July 23). Video Games Affect the Brain—for Better and Worse. Retrieved from http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/2009/Video_Games_Affect_the_Brain%E2%80%94for_Better_and_Worse/
Nichols, H. (2017, July 10). How video games affect the brain. Retrieved from