
Explain Premack's Principles Of Punishment

793 Words4 Pages

Peterson Pierre
Ashworth College
Learning Theories
Assignment 8

Describe Premack's principles of reinforcement and of punishment. Describe a hypothetical situation for which these principles would predict reinforcement of one behavior, and punishment of another behavior.

‘The Premack Principle, also known as “Grandma’s Law” is a behavior intervention used across the ABA world. It works very well when properly implemented. The key is finding a reinforcer valuable enough to evoke the desired behavior.”
Operant conditioning is behind Premack’s principles of reinforcement and punishment. Operant conditioning means that one can change behavior of another person through reward or punishment (Operant Conditioning, n.d.). Operant conditioning is a conscious decision which can change a person’s behavior without changing their attitude. With operant …show more content…

For example, if the person needs to ride the bus but is afraid because they do not know all the “steps” required, a therapist would go with them. They would show them where the bus stop is, how to tell which the right bus is to get on, demonstrate how to pay and some protocols for bus riding. They would show them how to indicate that they want to exit the bus and how to do so. Not knowing the procedures for bus riding can be a frightening thing. For a person who does not know the proper steps, misbehavior may occur such as not wanting another person to sit by them or standing too close to the

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