Explain The 10 Stages Of Genocide Essay

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Ten Stages of Genocide

Ten Stages of Genocide is a document which is developed by Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, a professor at the University of Mary Washington. Ten stages of genocide include Classification, Symbolization, Discrimination, Dehumanization, Organization, Polarization etc. Genocide first starts with Classification, Classification is comparing people to “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion or nationality. The Nazis used classification to separate the Jews, Gypsies, elderly, some Communists, Socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals.
Symbolization is Giving names or characteristics that distinguish people by classification. In the Holocaust, the Nazis put badges on the clothes for symbolizing people. For the Jews, their badge was the Yellow Star of David. Political prisoners had a badge with red triangles, criminals had a badge with green triangles, groups that did not agree with the Nazis had a badge with black …show more content…

In the Holocaust, the Nuremberg Laws were created by the Nazis to discriminate against the Jews. For example, It took away the right of Jews to marry any Germans. Many Germans who had not practiced the Jewish religion for years were still targeted by the Nazis.
Dehumanization is when one group treats another group as second-class citizens. The Nazis didn’t treat Jews as a human. Posters, Art, Music, Books, News, and Education were controlled by Nazis so they could tell people that Jewish people are not humans. Also, people many people believed that. In addition, many Jewish people died with a blames by people. Organization is the plan genocide, usually the leader plans how to terrorize and militias start action. The Nazi party created the Gestapo and the SS. The Gestapo was the secret police who find and kill people who hate Nazi. Also they set up the concentration camps. The SS ran and controlled the concentration