The Holocaust: Concentration Camps By Anne Frank

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The Holocaust was a very deep and depressing time for the Jews. Many of them went into hiding to get away from this awful time. Hiding can include the Jews going and staying in private places so the Gestapo will not find them and take them. A perfect example of the Holocaust would be Anne Frank. Anne Frank wrote her diary during this time to explain what it was like to be in hiding. It was very critical and difficult
The Jews were placed in Concentration Camps with very bad conditions. These conditions can cause the people to get sick. Hunger was also a common death because they rationed food out to the people and when they ran out they had to wait for the next rationing. Most of the time the rations would come in late and they would die of starvation. Other conditions can consist of poor sanitation or even the fact of not having enough room because of the size of people they put in each camp. …show more content…

He was a very racist man against the Jews. The Jews did everything they could do to live and even escape. Most of the time that wouldn’t work because they had the whole area compromised by his people. The Jews also wore a star on their clothes to determine if they are Jews or not.
The Gestapo were the Nazi cops during the Holocaust. Another name for the police is Geheime Staatspolizei. The Gestapo would go to every building all the time to be sure Jews weren’t hiding there. The whole point of these special police were for them to go to these buildings acting as if they are a normal citizen to take the Jews if they were in the