Ethical Dilemma Resolution Framework

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2. Apply the Ethical Dilemma Resolution Framework to this case
2.1. The fact and the ethical issues involved
- I am a practitioner, providing a range of accountancy services.
- I am also a continuity provider for another practitioner to tender services to company B
- Company B is the competitor of company A, my previous clients, and they are tending to acquire the same business

Ethical issues:
- Company B is aware that there is another bidder but he does not know who it is or it is my previous client. I should be a person of integrity, informing that to company B. Also, company A is no longer my client, and it is not necessary for me to be loyal with company A. Instead, I should be honest, straightforward, and loyal with company …show more content…

The party with the most important rights.
a. Deontology
I have the most important rights because I am required to perform the principles of integrity and confidentiality, and professional codes of ethics to benefits my current clients and not to do harm to my previous client.
b. Utilitarianism
Company B has the most important rights because it should recruit a practitioner who provides the services professionally, having high competence, and being free from any conflicts of interests with it potential competitors so that that practitioner can gather as much as information without the violation of confidentiality principle.
c. Virtue
I have the most important rights because I can tell company the company B that another bidder is one of my previous and current clients, and determine not to reveal any confidential information of any clients because of the principle of confidentiality. Therefore, I can keep serving company B without hurting company A.

2.4. Capable laws, standards or professional code of conduct rules
- Codes of conducts of the company A and company …show more content…

Withdraw the engagement

2.6. Possible consequences
a. Tell everything I know to company B
Pros: I can maximize the advantages for the company B in this engagement. I could impress the directors of company B
Cons: My action could do harm to company A, and I break the principle of confidentiality. My reputation can be negatively affected. I might lose the trust of potential clients in the future
b. Be straightforward and clearly state that I would not reveal any confidential information
Pros: I can safeguard my reputation of the person of integrity and confidentiality while having opportunity to perform my profession and competence. Company A will not be hurt because of any confidential information I was aware of during the period I served it.
Cons: Company might stop my engagement and fire me
c. Withdraw the engagements
Pros: I can avoid the conflicts of interests, and the ethical dilemma in this case because I do not have to exercise the loyalty and integrity with company B and also not to break the confidentiality principle.
Cons: I will miss a potential customer like company A

2.7. Decide the appropriation course

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