Explain The Principal Beliefs And Practices Of Aztec Society

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The principal beliefs and practises of religions influence the society in which they exist and provide answers to a search for a meaning. This is can be seen through the rituals of the Aztecs religion. Through the rituals the Aztecs communicated with gods. They developed a complex and elaborate set of rituals to honour their deities. They gave at least half of each month to religious ritual. The most common of these rituals was the human sacrifice. Aztec adherents fasted before ceremonies, which often started at sunset with singing and dancing that lasted well into the night. This often lasted for several nights, the dancing coming to a climax with the offering of incenses, gifts of food and animals to the gods, followed by the ceremonial sacrifice …show more content…

The board game “Patolli” was played in fifty two squares representing the fifty two years in each Aztec cycle. The temple was at the centre of sacrifice. Attached to the temple was the community school. Children were given religious training as well as lessons in history, ritual dancing, singing and rhetoric. These rituals influenced the society by focusing on the idea of sacrificing humans and to remain them about the impotence of the sacrificing. In other words religion dominated the politics which mean sacrificed the humans to please the god and in turn dominated the economy which means by sacrificing humans to god, the god will be happy and provides a plentiful harvest. These rituals also helped the Aztecs to search for a meaning of their lives. It helped them to understand that they need in their life to satisfy their gods and make them happy or order the gods will keep them alive by providing rain and a good harvest. Also, through the temple school it helped the children to understand the importance of their rituals and beliefs. Overall, the principal beliefs and practises of religions influence the society in which they exist and provide answers to a search for a …show more content…

This is can be seen through the rituals of the Ancient Egyptian religion. Egyptian religion was highly ritualistic; it was includes many daily ceremonial activities some of them were complex rituals celebrating the Divine. There were two important sets of rituals in Egyptians life. One was the ritual of worship and there were three services during the day in each temple, at dawn, midday and dusk. They all involved purification of the priest, the temples and the offerings which were presented. One important festival was the feast of the god Open in Thebes. The second main ritual was the death of the pharaohs and the ceremony and mummifications of their bodies and the placement of their bodies’ caskets and jars for organs. These rituals influenced the entire society, for the living and the dead. It makes evidence to the society how to behave during their life and how to prepare for their next life after death. Rituals play an extremely important role in society. It reminds people of what is important and provides a sense of stability and continuity in the life. The rituals also help the society for searching for a meaning for the life. It reminds the Ancient Egyptians for the goal of their life, which is the afterlife. It makes them understand the importance of the afterlife and how they should prepare for it. Overall, the ancient Egyptian