Explain The Three Basic Ethical Principles That Are Meant To Protect Human Subjects During Research

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According to Mitchell & O’shea (2003), scientific research has created some considerable social gain but in addition to this fact, it has also raised some worrying moral questions. The Belmont report basically expounds on the three principles that are meant to address ethical issues that affect human subjects during research. Explains that the three basic ethical principles that are meant to protect human subjects during research include: Respect for others, Beneficence, and Justice.
A. Basic ethical principles of research
• Respect for others
Mduluza (2013) explains that the principle of respect for other places emphasis on treating individuals as independent agents and also making sure that these independent persons are protected. The level of respect accorded to independent individuals depends on the risk of harm as well as the possibility of gain. The conclusion that any person lacks independence ought to be occasionally reevaluated and will differ in diverse situations.
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The research involved six hundred African-American men, four hundred of whom were injected with syphilis (Field, 2004). They were later monitored for forty years till 1972. Although a confirmed cure became accessible in the 1950s, the research was prolonged up to 1972 with partakers being deprived of treatment. After the death of many subjects, the research was stopped in 1973 due to mounting pressure from the public.
Declaration of Helsinki
In the year 1964, the World Medical Association introduced recommendations guiding health practioners in biomedical studies involving individual subjects. The assertion governs global research ethics and spells out rules for "research integrated with medical care" as well as "non-therapeutic study." The Helsinki Declaration was later amended from 1975 to 1996 and it finally became the basis for the contemporary high-quality Clinical practices.
National Research Act (1974