Explain What Industries Are Supported By Natural Resources

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What industries are supported by the natural resources the United States and Canada?
The industries of farming are very big in the United States and Canada. Fertile soil has been deposited in the central area of both countries allowing that area to be the main food producers for the region. Another natural resource for the United States and Canada is the fossil fuels of coal and petroleum. The industry of burning these fuels as energy are very popular because of the easy access of these materials. Coal is located mainly in the province of Albany in Canada and the eastern states in the United States. Petroleum is located in the south east states of the united States and mainly the western side of Canada. Burning fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum have become very popular in the United States and Canada because these resources are located inside the country.
In what ways has the physical geography of the United States and Canada contributed to the development of the region? The geography of the countries of the United States and Canada has highly affected the development of the region. The center of the United States and Canada have very flat land that is used for farming. This land has extreme climates and is not very highly populated. Another area that is affected by the geography is the mountain ranges …show more content…

Canada has put an emphasize on education and has taught their children many things. The French Canadians may feel that the education their young is receiving may make their young lose their history. The French Canadians are most likely fearful that their history won’t be preserved because the people have learned new subjects. Current events such as increase in technology may also be the cause of French Canadians to want to protect their culture because they don’t want their culture influenced by