Explain What Was The Reason For Early American Explorations

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Though we know that During the 1500s, early European explorers set out to discover new land, in order to find gold, spices, and other valuables worth trading, Columbus’ journal, Cortes’ letter to King Charles V, and the other discovery documents reveal that expanding Spain’s empire was perhaps the main objective behind exploring new land. Additionally, these discovery and conquest documents also show us that religion played a big role in the Europeans’ reasons for traveling to the New World, as converting the natives to Christianity was always a top priority. Though they initially set out to explore India, the Spanish explorers ended up sailing to the Americas, specifically South America. While it was not their intended destination, the Spanish still would claim this land as their own, and ultimately conquer the natives. These discovery letters and documents serve as a window into the events that took place at the time, but really only show Europeans side of the story. …show more content…

Expansion was important to Europeans because they believed that the more land they controlled meant the more power they had. One of the most successful Spanish conquests to take place in the New World was the Conquest of Mexico, in which the Aztec empire fell to Hernan Cortes. In his second letter to King Charles V, Cortes mentions that the Aztecs believed that he and his men were the descendants of an ancient prince who had come back to conquer them, as had been prophesized long ago. Because they believed this, the Aztecs told Cortes that they would obey him, and acknowledge him for their