In high school you have more free time to be social, hang out with friends or family, and to have outside of school activities. School work is not as demanding as when you get to college. In high school you might not even have homework and if you do it might take less than an hour. Whereas in college, homework is guaranteed every night and it is two to three hours for every credit hour taken. In high school you have more time to devote to extra curriculum activities. In college you better devote majority of your time to your studies and class or you might not pass.
In college it is a must for you to take responsibility for your actions. No one will be there to hold your hand as they were figuratively in high school. In high school, whether it be parents or teachers, someone most likely reminded you of your
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A planner might just become your best friend. Gone are the high school days of having your complete day mapped out for you, spending at least six consecutive hours at school, and being woke up extremely early by your parents to catch the bus. You are in college now, you make your own decisions, decide your own classes, you might have a couple hours in between classes to “study” or even better take a nap. And speaking of naps, you can wake up whenever you want because you decide when your first class of the day is. College is not all perks when it comes to time management, you have all those hours of studying to try and fit in and go to class and get some sleep. A planner is wonderful.
High school and college can be similar, I found both value you education. The teachers only want what is best for you, so they do everything in their power to make you successful. They are always there for guidance and to support or help you in any way. For me, class size is the same, not too small and not too big. It gives a great learning environment. In both the teachers are able to learn about and help all the