Explain Why Kids Should Be Allowed To Participate In Competitive Sports Essay

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Kids should be allowed to participate in competitive sports, while others think it should not be allowed. In fact, playing competitive sports provides many benefits and is a great activity everyone should take part in. Competitive sports helps let kids get healthy and active, learn important life skills, and helps kids do better in school. Kids should play competitive sports because, competitive sports helps kids get active and fit. Everyone knows that sports are an example of physical exercise and a way to get kids fit. In addition, “In a nation with an obesity epidemic and a rate of diabetes that continues to grow, physical …show more content…

For example, in “Get Off That Couch and Play, the author writes “team sports are an important part of a school’s culture.” Schools have also made it clear that kids who do competitive sports do better in school. “Researchers at the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports at Michigan State University report, “Kids who participate in organized sports do better in school, have better interpersonal skills, are more team oriented, and are generally healthy” (“Pros”). I agree with this statement because if you are a team leader in sports, you have to be smart, courageous, and have the best attitude. These skills can also help people do better in school. For example, in a group project you have to be able to work together successfully. If you don’t then you don’t get a good grade. Competitive sports also help students be more organized and have responsibilities they can accomplish. The most important example of this is, “ By participating in sports and other extracurricular clubs and organizations, an applicant demonstrates the ability to manage academics with additional responsibilities, an important quality in a successful student”(“Pros”). As you can see competitive sports help student in school too. Most parents want their kids to do excellent in school and this is just the way to do