Explain Why The Climate Is Changing So Should We

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John Oliveira
COM 122
Civility Today
Professor Haller
The Climate is Changing, So Should We
Although the development of our modern society has been spearheaded by fossil fuels, it is pertinent to the continuation of mankind that we adapt to new forms of clean energy due to the fact that it is better for the environment, the economy, and because it promotes an attitude reflecting that of our ancient ancestors. There is an all too prevalent abundance of naysayers who refuse to participate in open discussions on this critical issue and refuse to take into consideration factual evidence that disproves their views. As a society, we cannot function when individuals refuse to cooperate and work towards a common goal.
One of the hottest …show more content…

There are two camps in this debate; the believers and the deniers. Both sides are adamant for their cause, so much to the point that civil discourse and cooperation cannot be reached. One of the main reasons for this is due to the fact that those sceptics who are in positions of power refuse acknowledge scientific evidence. Evidence that proves humans have a detrimental is supported by a vast majority of the scientific community, “Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position” (Shaftel). The leading cause of Climate Change is the release of carbon dioxide by the means of burning fossil fuels. These emissions ultimately make what could be compared to a blanket that surrounds the atmosphere. This blanket collects and stores infrared radiation emitted by the Sun, preventing the radiation from being reflected back into space. This causes the temperature of the planet to rise by, what can seem to the uneducated onlooker a minuscule amount, 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. This increase …show more content…

If we can make an institutional change in the way we look at the production of energy, we can unlock clean and renewable energy for all. Since the industrial revolution, we have been burning various forms of fossil fuels to create the energy need to function as a modern society. The process of creating electricity, burning coal, oil, or natural gas to spin a turbine, is incredibly inefficient due to the massive amount of heat lost in the energy transfer. According to a study conducted by the United States Energy Information Administration, the over 1,400 coal burning power plants in the United States operate at a peak efficiency of around 33 percent, which is less than desirable. They also found that advances in solar panel technology have seen efficiencies of over 44 percent and are projected to rise in the coming years. With solar being simpler and more efficient while also having an infinitely renewable and non-polluting energy source, it is hard to understand why we have not made a total move towards renewable energy sources. Not only is solar power more efficient than coal, the solar job market is growing at a much greater rate than that of the coal market. According to Fortune magazine, “The U.S. solar industry employed 260,077 workers last year, a nearly 25% increase in the number of jobs… The jobs report projects a 10% increase in employment