Explain Why We Should Go To College Essay

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I belief that we should go to college. According to the text , ¨College is worth the cost,¨ it stated, college graduates make 2.1 million income money compared with high school grads that only make 1.2 million dollars income money. High school graduates do not make a lot of money and just work at a fast food job instead of getting a degree and earning more money for a job that you love and know how to do it. Also, If you go to college you could study for a subject that you like and work for the governor and they pay for the doctor and loan you money for you could be a house and have a family. According to the text, ¨ College is worth the cost,¨ it stated, people in business would have to choose a person with a college degree or a person that just came out of high school with no experience? High school graduates should go to college since the would not have a high percent of a chance to have a job where they pay enough money to put food on …show more content…

According to, ¨College is worth the cost,¨ college students like to stay healthy, smoke less to not ruin the enviorment, and attend more volunteer work. If everyone went to college they would stay healthy instead of being on the streets, doing drugs and just holding a sign, asking money for they could get something to eat. Additionally, it would be harder for them to live life since no one would like to hire a homeless that does not have no degrees and just dropped out or just graduated from high school. Also, many people do more drugs since they could not find a job so they stayed in the streets and started doing drugs. Going to college will keep you healthy since you will be distracted and you would not be thinking of drugs. Also, be with the correct friends that do not do drugs and that want to learn and graduate from college. As a result, going to college will help you be a better person by not doing drugs, not killing the enviorment, and lastly, attend more volunteer