
Exploratory Essay On Police Brutality

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Emilie Toney Exploratory Essay Professor Summerville 03.19.2024 Police Brutality Against Minorities Police brutality does not have one solution but multiple approaches that could help this major social issue. I am interested in answering the question of limiting police brutality against minorities because I am interested in the criminal justice system and the thought process behind the officers and minorities. This is a significant social issue because police brutality has affected populations across the United States for decades. Throughout this issue, there are a couple solutions that may help with police brutality against minorities. Some of these solutions include body cameras, racial awareness, facial recognition, representation, racial …show more content…

The second article I found brought up the issue of due process and court cases that allow police violence within the court system (Chapman, 2020). In this essay, there is one doctrine that turns a blind eye to police violence. The first doctrine is qualified immunity, which allows police officers to “shoot first, ask questions later” (Chapman, 2020). “Exculpating police for excessive force may not have been the original intent of qualified immunity, but it has been the effect of the Supreme Court’s application of this doctrine to police violence cases” (Chapman, 2020). This specific quote tells me that the court is allowing police violence to happen, but this doctrine is not intended for these situations. Does this doctrine allow for police violence to happen specifically against minorities or against everyone? In this essay by Chapman, the issue of “trials by paper” is also discussed with regards to police violence (2020). This issue was established,”.against plaintiffs who could convince juries their clearly established rights were violated based on circumstantial evidence and testimony they could produce at trial” (Chapman,

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