Exploring The Factors That Separate Animals From Humans

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Factors that separate animals from humans is communication, rights, and natural selection. If we didn’t inherent these three factors, human would be almost the same as animals. Humans are born with features and characteristics that make them more advanced than animals. Being able to stand out from animals has made humans more developed than animals. What it really means to be a human is based on our form of communication, the rights we are given and the way natural selection has developed humans.
Humans are able to communicate with people from around the world and this has given them the ability to form government, make medical advances, and form civilizations. Communication with animals is much different, every animal has a varying type of communication. Once a human has discovered something new about the world they are able to share the discovery with people others around the world in a matter of minutes. Talking is not the only way to communicate either, humans can now text, call, Skype, send letters and interact on social media, you don’t need to be in the same area to communicate. Being able to communicate with virtually anyone is how humans have advanced and developed to become more astute than animals. …show more content…

In countries like Brazil, South Africa and the Philippines, you can be equal to one another no matter your religion. In places like Chile, Portugal and America every human has freedom of speech. Many humans have education, homes, food and water. Animals can’t go to college, get paid for working, or buy a home these things seem like a basic right for many humans but for animals this concept is unfamiliar and not expected. With the knowledge and property that humans are given they are able to be more advanced and start