Exploring The Purpose Of Social Regulation Of Domestic Violence

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Social regulation in general is government imposed rules and positive limitations on ordinary citizens, but also towards organisations and companies. This is done in order to ensure that individuals are conforming to society’s norms and values, thus avoid performing any harmful actions, such as littering in public spaces. Without regulation, individuals may feel free to do what they desire, even if it is at the expense of the rest of society. Social regulation in particular is in charge of ensuring the wellbeing of the public through their environment, health, education, safety, and social solidity. With social regulation come positive gains – e.g. increased employment, improved education, and equality of opportunity – and the overall increase in the productiveness of society (OECD 1997).Rational choice theory argues that individuals are rational beings who act with free will and will do a cost benefit calculation before committing crime. This means that individuals will have to abide by the …show more content…

The purpose of this policy was to raise awareness about the seriousness of violence, encourage individuals to pro-actively respond to violence, and increase the rate at which domestic violence is reported to the police. To achieve such goals, public services such as Specialist Domestic Violence Courts and Independence Domestic Violence Advisers were developed (Matczak et al., 2011). Without the regulation of such policies, violence would not improve but only increase in number (Andrews and Brown, 1988). “By the time injuries are visible, violence may be a long-established pattern. On average, a woman will be assaulted by her partner or ex-partner 35 times before actually reporting it to the police” (Yearnshire, 1997). Thus, a considerable amount of victims of crime suffer in silence, allowing the offender to go