
Exploring The Role Of Effective Teachers In The Classroom

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1. Teachers who intervene effectively demonstrate an understanding of what's going on at all times in their classroom and have the ability to deal with two issues at once. Teachers are required by law to intervene in cases of fighting and scuffling. Effective teachers are caring and supportive, establish clear standards for behavior, provide structure in their classrooms, and use effective instruction to complement classroom management. Preparing materials in advance, starting classes and activities on time, making transitions quickly and smoothly, creating well-established routines.
2. When they start learning subject matter or content and they learn what they need to do, to gain an understanding of the content. As students get older they …show more content…

Each factor effects the classroom greatly. Each grade level has a different kind of attention span. So you may need to be more interactive with them to make them stay focused. Some students may need for you to explain the lesson more then younger students. High achieving students are more independent and more involved with the lesson. Low achievers have problem with paying attention and reading the instruction thoroughly. If they apply themselves and put forth an great effort they can become high achieving students. A lot of students cannot focus in large group setting. Then have the ones that let the other students do all the work instead of giving ideas.
4. Have set procedures for certain situations. Set guidelines for how you want your classroom to run to optimize your students' experiences. Expectations are desired behaviors or outcomes. An effective teacher makes her expectations known to the students and consistently teaches and reinforces the expected behaviors. Some students may feel like they do not have to follow certain rules just the ones the want to follow. I believe it is important for all students because some students need that reminder because they think they can run over the rules. A lot of students think only certain rules apply to

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