Exploring The Theme Of Existence In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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The struggles with emotional dejections on a personal level makes it hard to find reason to surmount those troubles as solutions are painfully difficult to contrive. Shakespeare unveils the complications of existence in his play “Hamlet”, with his condescending soliloquy: “ to be or not to be”; Shakespeare is able to underlie the very lunacy of existence, making mankind’s existence seem like an eccentric endeavor against nothing. He not only compares the two ideas of life and death, but Shakespeare also demonstrates how much more superior death is when correlated with life. Shakespeare’s message on the idea of existence bring about another perspective that challenges the natures and beliefs of life while questions the devotion man has towards maintaining their lives.
The “to be or not to be” piece written by Shakespeare, engages a question that is widely controversial : What is the reason of existence? Life itself fundamentally only has two stages, life and death. …show more content…

Death is depicted as a simple slumber after the long and hard tarnishes brought by life; Death is presented as an eternal retirement from living, not only that but, with this death “we end the heart-ache” of life. The idea of a peaceful slumber sanctions this thought of a tempting escape from the agonizing pains of existence; the connection to sleep softens the tone brought by the ideas of death, instead of fearing, shakespeare eludes the reader to believe that death is simply a peaceful end to an exhausting life. However, Shakespeare not only gratifies death and compares it to life, but he also scornes the very principles of life, making it out to be a painful waste of time; Shakespeare mortifies life when he relates the idea of living