Extended Definition Essay About Fear

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Fear is something that people experience everyday between a simple fear of spiders or something bigger like the fear of physical harm. For some it is what they thrive on, but for others, it can consume their life and not allow them to function. Fear has multiple different meanings that have developed throughout time with people’s changing interpretations. In the past, it has been seen as an object or related closely with religion and God. Today, it is seen as an emotion a person feels when there is expected or oncoming danger and is often used in the world of psychology as it fear has started people’s lives between PTSD and the increasing amount of anxiety disorders developing throughout the current generations. Before the current version of fear came to being, there were multiple different interpretations that helped to build it up to what it is. The word fear goes back to Old English deriving from fǣr which means unexpected danger or peril (Merriam-Webster). This built up to the first known use of the word fear comes from 1068, only two years after the English …show more content…

In this case the word fear is used more directly as a state of being rather than an emotion. The book Ciuile Conuersation by Stefano Guazzo and George Pettie stated, “They… make it a sport to put their child into feare” (Oxford English Dictionary). Pettie almost makes it seem like fear is a place that a person can go to or do like school or a sport. This greatly differs from the others definitions as fear is considered to be a state of being rather than an emotion or object. At this point, the word is an in between of both definitions. It is no longer used as an object that can be forced onto someone, but it has not reached being an emotion in which people feel. With one more step, the most commonly known and used definition of the word fear was