External Anatomy Lesson Organizer

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Lesson Organizer

External Anatomy
1. How many valves are there?
⦁ Answer: There are 2 valves on an oyster.
2. What general name is given to a mollusk with this many valves?
⦁ Answer: The general name given to a mollusk with more than one valves is bivalve.
3. Determine the height of your oyster: (answer only if you have a real specimen)
4. Are the valves different in size?
⦁ Answer: Yes, the valves are different in size.
5. (nothing to answer – only read)
6. What is the function of this Muscle?
⦁ Answer: The function of the muscle in the picture seen is opening and closing.
7. (answer only if you have a real specimen)

Internal Anatomy
1. Describe or sketch different methods you might use to shuck and oyster:
⦁ Answer: …show more content…

As you dissect either virtual or real specimens, you will need to examine the body shape and coloration of each of your mollusks.
You need to be specific in the analysis questions – about shell (inner/outer), camouflage/coloration, mobility, body shape, fins. Make sure to discuss about both the organisms in the questions.
How is each animal adapted to the environment?
What type of habitat or environment and lifestyle is each animal adapted for?
What problems will these animals have?
What features observed will enhance its chances for survival?
How is each animal adapted to the environment?
⦁ Squid: Squid have some unique adaptations. Some can change color, some use bioluminescence to create light, and some shoot ink to cloud the water and lose predators, they also have many other adaptions like the shape body, there long and skinny making them fast …show more content…

⦁ Squid: It depends on the species you are talking about, you can find squid in all major bodeis of water. Some will live in warm tropical waters and other will live in a cooler climate water. Most squid live in salt water but there are some that live in freshwater as well.
⦁ Oysters: They can live in a wide range of areas due to there strenght towards temperature, salinity, and concentrations of suspended sediments and dissolved oxygen.
What problems will these animals have?
⦁ Squid: Most squid have very short life spans, also squid a prey for a wide varity of larger animals and their only defense is there speed and ink (sephia).
⦁ Oyster: Their only defense is there shells due to the fact that they don 't move. There considred a key species because their the pray for a wide majority of animals.
What features observed will enhance its chances for survival?
⦁ Squid: Some can change color, some use bioluminescence to create light, and some shoot ink to cloud the water and lose predators, all these adaptaions will enhance their chance of survivale.
⦁ Oysters: Their shell, and camoflouge, will enhance their chance of

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