Extra Gum Ad Essay

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Extra -Gum Advertisement The purpose of this commercial is to encourage the viewer to realize the importance of a stick of Extra gum in their life. The commercial begins with a tender moment between a new father and his young daughter as he chews a piece of Extra gum and makes an origami bird out of the wrapper. The father’s act of giving an origami gum wrapper to his daughter is repeated through different stages of the daughter’s life: at her birthday, at the beach, at the ball game, at the house with a date, and an emotional moment ending with the father’s discovery that she has always kept the origami birds in a special box. The audience of this commercial is everybody who are …show more content…

The commercial has a couple scenes of the daughter as a teenager. In all the scenes prior to that the daughter always gratefully accepted her dad’s origami. As a teenager she practically ignores her father in the scenes. This gave the author a sense of realistic credibility. Almost no father has a perfect relationship with their teen aged daughter. The viewers were able to recognize that and relate. It gave more belief in the commercial as if Extra Gum knew what it was talking about. Ethos was also established through the detail of the places the author chose in every scene. The daughter was constantly aging through every transition of scenes, but her location was also changing. The place varied every time yet they all had something in common. The author chose to keep the daughter and father in family-friendly environments. What I mean by that is they were in places where families are typically seen together, such as a home or a …show more content…

In each scene the Extra gum or Extra gum wrapper makes the experience better. For instance, the father hands the daughter a piece of gum at the baseball game, and suddenly the daughter is giggling and smiling. At the beach, the gum brings a smile and makes the act of reading better. The origami bird given to the daughter while she is crying on the bed cheers her up and causes her to lean into her father’s hug. Every time the sharing of Extra gum brings together the father and daughter and improves their relationship. Again, Wrigley uses pathos to appeal to the viewer. These heartwarming interactions between father and daughter touch the viewers’ hearts. The interactions invoke nostalgic emotions among the viewers as well. The scenes depicted in the commercial cause the audience to reminisce on his or her past and connect with what is being presented to them (i.e. their own experience at the beach, baseball game, birthday, etc.). Here, another benefit is shown: Extra gum brings love, happiness, care, and laughter. All of this is done in a simple way. A key aspect of the mood is the music that is played during the commercial. The music is very light and airy and overall give off a very positive vibe. It intensifies towards the end to complement the commercial itself. The music thus makes the viewer more content when watching the commercial, and it allows them to focus on the key aspects of the