Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close By Jonathan Safran Foer

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With the help of his unique pre-teen perspective, Oskar faces an intricate emotional journey as he attempts to understand the unknown emotions he is experiencing . With vivid details, Jonathan Safran Foer skillfully depicts how a young boy would feel and react in the aftermath of an immense tragedy. Amid the September 11 suicide terrorist attacks, Jonathan Safran Foer's book “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”conveys how political events affect individuals, their relationships, and their perspective on the future.

The persistent emotional impact of traumatic events on individuals and families is a major theme frequently demonstrated to the reader in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”. Oskar, the protagonist , struggles with the loss …show more content…

While seeking the answer, he views the world as a place of danger and tragedy. He poses questions, such as: "I wanted to ask my father so many questions. I wanted to know why he had to die. I wanted to know why he couldn't just be like everybody else's dad and get a normal job and play golf on the weekends." (Foer 45). Oskar's fear of heights and the nightmares he experiences highlight the continuous impacts of his father's death on his mind. These reactions emphasize how traumatic events can alter a child's perceptions of the world and inflict deep emotional wounds.
The book also sheds light on how individuals can become more skeptical and distrustful of the world after experiencing a political event. To cope with the loss of his deceased father, Oskar makes up rules to protect himself from every possible scenario, and the most prominent one is to avoid heights at all costs. He tries his best to believe that there is still goodness in the world, but his suspicion prevails. Oskar wants "skyscrapers to have roots" (Foer 323) as they stand for equilibrium - this desire for roots reflects Oskar's search for stability in the wake of his father's