Extrovert Analysis

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My whole entire life I have been an introvert. You would think after going to seven different schools while growing up that by now I would have learned how to be more outgoing and more of an extrovert as it is called. However, I do not think that is something that I personally can learn. I have always been the quiet or shy girl. When I started going to a new high school my freshman year I was very quiet and never really said much. As the years went by I made many friends but about every single one of them said that when they first met me they thought that I was the most stuck up and unapproachable person they had ever met simply because of how quiet I was. I honestly could not believe they thought that because that really is not how I am but …show more content…

Every Wednesday night at college we have a Common Ground worship service. When I lived at home I was at church all the time, so it is refreshing to have this up here as well. Tonight specifically made me realize something. We played a game where the leader makes a statement and if you agree you go to one side of the room and if you disagree you go to the other. The first couple were easy decisions: I like hiking, I like camping, and I hate snakes. The fourth statement was, "I am an extrovert." I found myself on the side of the room that had way less people and all of the people I have slowly started to become good friends with are on the other side. Shocker, huh? So as soon as I start thinking, "Man, I wish I was more like all of them," the next statement is made: "I am comfortable sharing my faith." I was quickly on the other side of the room because I absolutely love sharing my …show more content…

Just because I do not talk much does not mean I am ashamed or scared to talk about what I believe in. I guess I have somewhat always felt that I was looked at as lesser because I was not as vocal as others about faith. Honestly, maybe no one has looked at me that way and maybe it just hit me tonight and I needed to share it. One guy said it perfectly, "I wouldn't say that I am uncomfortable sharing my faith. I may not go around talking about it 24/7 but if someone asks me about it I am more than willing to tell them." This is definitely how I am as well. This year I got the chance to share my testimony with my missions class, my youth group, students in Mexico, and a group of middle school girls. As nervous as I was each time, I absolutely loved it. I guess this is more for me than anyone else but it was all in my brain wanting to get