16 Personality Factor Analysis

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16 Personality Factor (16 PF) Introduction There have been different definitions of personality. According to Allport, Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought (1961). According to Eysenck, personality is influenced by a combination of genetics, biological factors and environment. Day to day when we describe peoples personalities, we refer to terms such as kind, funny, outgoing and worriers etc. these are known as trait terms and Eysenck asserts that we have some of these traits from birth. According to Cattel, personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. However through the years it’s …show more content…

Cattell and Herbert Eber. Cattell assembled all personality trait names and using factor analysis he reduced them to a smaller number of independent dimensions called primary factors. This factor analysis led to the identification of what he described as “the primary source traits of personality”. He described ‘source traits’ as the causes that determine the overt behavior of an individual, which he called as ‘surface traits’. There are 46 surface traits and 16 source …show more content…

This means that the subject is averagely open to changes. She may accept the “tried and true” despite inconsistencies and is cautious with regard to truing new ideas. However, she tends to be more well informed, less inclined to moralize and tolerant to inconvenience. In factor Q2, Self Reliance, she has a raw score of 5 which corresponds to a sten score of 7 which is interpreted as Average. This means that the subject is a combination of being dependent on groups and self-sufficient. In some situations, she may prefer to work and make decisions with other people and may depend upon their approval whereas in other situations she might not need such group support and may prefer to make an independent decision. In factor Q3, Perfectionism, she has a raw score of 9 which corresponds to a sten score of 7 which is interpreted as Average. This means that the subject has average self control and moderately cares about her self-image. She may control her emotions and act in socially precise manner sometimes but not always. She may be conscious about her “self-respect” and regard for social