Summary Of 16PF REPORT

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"Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought” (Allport, 1961). There are various theories which talks about personality. It includes psychoanalytic, trait, learning, biological and evolutionary, and humanistic theories, etc. Psychoanalytic theories of personality originated with the seminal work of Sigmund Freud. According to his tripartite theory of mind, behavior is the dynamic outcome of the struggle between id, ego and superego. Learning approaches to personality states that personality is simply the sum of learning responses to the external environment. …show more content…

Cattell is one of the main proponents of trait theory, a model of personality that seeks to identify the basic traits necessary to describe personality. Traits are enduring dimensions of personality characteristics along which people differ. Cattell and his colleagues first discovered the primary traits, which provide the most basic definition of individual personality differences. These more specific primary traits are more powerful in understanding and predicting the complexity of actual behavior. Next, these researchers factor-analyzed the primary traits themselves in order to investigate personality structure at a higher level. From this, the broader ‘second-order’ or global factors emerged – the original Big Five. These researchers found that the numerous primary traits consistently coalesced into these broad dimensions, each with its own independent focus and function within personality. The global factors provide the larger conceptual, organizing framework for understanding the meaning and function of the primary traits. However, the meanings of the global themselves were determined by the primary traits which converged to make them …show more content…

For the 16PF primary scales, test–retest reliabilities average 0.80 over a two-week interval (ranging from 0.69 to 0.87), and 0.70 over a two-month interval (ranging from 0.56 to 0.79). The five global scales of the 16PF Questionnaire show even higher test–retest reliabilities (they have more items); they average 0.87 for a two week interval (ranging from 0.84 to 0.91), and 0.78 for a two-month interval (ranging from 0.70 to 0.82). One important source of validity for the 16PF Questionnaire has been factor-analytic studies of the structure of the primary and global traits across diverse samples of people. These studies have used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the number, identity, and independence of the primary factors; and to confirm the number, identity, and primary factor make-up of the global factors. There are numerous applications for 16PF and it is useful in the following settings:
• Career Choices
• Counselling and correctional