F. Scott Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited

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Bethany Burress
English 11/ Second Period
27 February 2018
Part 12: Rough Draft #1 F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a variety of stories in the Jazz Ages. Fitzgerald has a variety of stories. He writes about the lost generation and the roaring twenties. Fitzgerald is an iconic writer. In ‘Babylon Revisited’ F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols, themes, and style to create a vivid image in the reader 's mind. Fitzgerald uses themes to get his central idea across. Throughout the short story Fitzgerald has multiple themes. The central point of the story represents change and transformation. Transformation portrays good and bad in the short story. Change and Transformation will be all about Charlies life and how it has changed. In “Babylon Revisited” …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald uses themes, imagery, and style to create a vivid image in the reader 's mind. Everything that is listed in this essay is elements that are very important to making a very intellect. The change and transformation of Charlie shows how well imagery is seen. The societal connection is that no matter how far you stray from the path of right, you can always get back on track if you try hard enough.

Bodine, Paul “ ‘An Overview of ‘Babylon Revisited, in Short Stories for Students”. Gale. 1998. 17-21. Rpt. in Short Stories for Students. Kathleen Wilson and Marie Lazari, Eds. Short Stories for Students. Vol.4. Detroit:1998. Print. 1-33.
[Fitzgerald, F. Scott]. Professorverspoor.pdworks.com. N.p., 2018. Web. 8 Jan. 2018.
Toor, David “Guilt and Retribution ‘Babylon Revisited,” in Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual 1973.” edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and C.E. Frazer Clark, Jr., Microcard Editions Books. 1974. (pp. 155-64) 26-30. Rpt. in Short Stories for Students. Kathleen Wilson and Marie Lazzari, Eds. Short Stories for Students Vol.4. Detroit. 1998. Print. 1-33.
Wilson, Kathleen and Marie Lazzari, eds. Short Stories for Students. Vol.4. Detroit:1998. Print.