FDR And Cinderella Man

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You can tell that FDR has not been elected president of our country yet by watching only the first forty minutes or so of Cinderella Man. In the movie, after Braddock has finished working at the docks one day, him and his co-worker Mike Wilson go to a bar to have some beer. There, they discuss FDR and view him in different ways. Braddock thinks that FDR 's ideas are going to work and will help the country. Although, on the other hand, Wilson thinks that FDR will be just like Herbert Hoover. this tells us that FDR hasn 't been elected yet because Wilson thinks but doesn 't know that FDR will be the same as Hoover. Since Wilson only thinks and doesn 't know, he is assuming the future and what FDR will be like in the future. Also, this