Facial Thermography Essay

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1. One new technology that is emerging in biometrics would be facial thermography. Facial thermography uses highly distinctive heat patterns created the branching off of blood vessels. These patterns, also called thermograms, are even different in identical twins. The advantage that facial thermography has over other emerging technologies is that it doesn’t require any physical contact to the person. Facial thermography uses infrared camera to capture the images which even works accurately in dim light or total darkness, unlike visible light systems. The only problem with this upcoming technology is that a human 's natural blood flow can cause fluctuations in the appearance of these patterns. Other things that can have an effect on the patterns involve alcohol and drug consumption.

1. The second technology emerging in the biometrics …show more content…

Facial thermography is individual to one person because the vein patterns in someone 's face is distinctive which means the IR (infrared) thermal pattern that your veins produce is distinctive to one person as well.

2. Vein patterns/scans are individual to one person because the blood vessel patterns in the back of their hand are not like any other. The patterns aren’t even the same in your right and left hand. These patterns are developed before birth and grow as your body grows so they keep a stable, distinctive pattern.

3. I think that facial thermography and vein scans would meet the Frye and Daubert standards. These standards ask that you have scientific evidence to prove that this technology is individual to one person. Both technologies give strong evidence to prove that they are individual to a single person. Facial thermography uses heat patterns created by the distinctive branching off of blood vessels in one 's hand. Vein scans focus on the large hidden patterns of veins in your wrist, palm, and dorsal surfaces that is distinctive to one’s hands. THe vein patterns are different even in a person 's right and left

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