Factors And Consequences In Romeo And Juliet's Life

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Romeo and Juliet clearly do not have control over their lives and are at the mercy of the stars. Every decision that these young, immature teenagers make, have a huge impact on their lives but they are extremely ignorant of that and their ignorance, lust for each other and immaturity ultimately are the factors that lead to their downfall. Romeo and Juliet have some control over the decisions that each of them make, but sometimes making a different decision doesn’t lead to a different outcome, fate is what brought them together and even though Romeo and Juliet are fickle teenagers, they could not intervene or have control over fate. Even though the Montagues have some control over Romeos life and the Capulets have some control over Juliets life, Romeo and Juliet make their own decisions that define their future but fate always has a …show more content…

The fiery aggressive Tybalt, Juliets cousin, was still infuriated that Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio attended the Capulets feast. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a Duel but Romeo does not want to fight, he wants peace between them, Mercutio intervenes and says that he will fight Tybalt. Romeo wants peace so as they begin to fight, Romeo intervenes but Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeos arm and Romeo suddenly strikes back and kills Tybalt. This is a scene where fate is questioned and whether it was of their own control. Romeo didn’t have to kill Tybalt, he acted quickly out of rage and did not think before he reacted, Romeo could have made a different choice, as he had control over himself, his thoughts and feelings his own decisions. His decision to kill Tybalt was because he was so enraged, but he had control over himself. This may be seen as not being an act of fate because Romeo had control over his own reactions, but fate could have led him to intervene and defend Mercutio and led him to kill Tybalt for killing his noble friend