
Friar Lawrence's Mistakes Essay

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An error within an action is a mistake, a mistake is a thing that most people will regret in the future. Friar Laurence as well as Romeo made many mistakes but some of them went overboard in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. It wasn't fate that led to the death of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet it was the mistakes of Romeo and Friar Laurence. As in the mistake of marrying the two lovers and planning a risky scheme of drinking a sleeping potion from the Friar or even the murder of Tybalt by Romeo Montague. The tragedy in this play is caused by the main actions of Friar Lawrence and Romeo, and not by fate. At the beginning of Romeo and Juliet it was mainly Friar Laurence's fault for the death of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in a plethora of ways. First, Friar Laurence decided to marry Romeo and Juliet, the star crossed lovers. Romeo told the Friar that he loved her, so they made a plan to get married including the …show more content…

First, in anger after Tybalt put death to Mercutio, Romeo killed Tybalt just moment after mercutio. Romeo and Tybalt were sword fighting and Romeo stabbed Tybalt that put an end to him. The Prince warned them the previous time they fought that they will be sentenced to death if it ever happens again. Second, the conflict within the Montague family and Capulet family rose even greater after this incident. The consequences for Romeo was banished from verona instead of death. "I will be deaf to pleading and excuses; nor tears nor prayers shall purchase ou abuses(III.i.185-186)". Third, it was a huge mistake in many ways. The hatred between the families is now only growing from this action. Instead of Romeo killing Tybalt out of anger he could have just threatened him in a way. Romeo putting tybalt down played a large factor on how it has led to the deaths at the end of the

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