
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Over time, there has been much controversy about Shakespeare’s work, Romeo and Juliet, over who or what was the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. As we can clearly see, Friar Laurence is ultimately the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. The Friar was very rash in marrying Romeo and Juliet and should’ve seen the complications in marrying them in secret. The Friar’s plan was also very faulty and he made many mistakes. Also, the Friar failed in his spiritual guidance and gave into his cowardice in the end. First of all, the Friar was very hasty in secretly marrying Romeo and Juliet so soon. As stated in line 94-95 on page 52, “For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your household’s rancour to pure love.” The Friar’s goal was to stop the fighting between the two families. Although this was his goal, he did not consider that marrying Romeo and Juliet in secret would not change anything since the families did not even know about their love. The Friar also did not know for certain if Romeo’s love for Juliet would turn out like Rosaline, and if Romeo stopped loving Juliet after they were married, more complications would occur. All in all, it was very risky …show more content…

The Friar said, “I’ll find your man, And he shall signify from time to time Every good hap to you that chances.”(pg. 84, line 173-175). In these lines, he clearly stated that he knew Balthasar will be specifically delivering letters to Romeo, and that he would find Balthasar to give Romeo news. Yet in page 100, line 124-125, he says, “I’ll send a Friar with speed To Mantua, with my letters to thy lord.” Even though he knew Balthasar was specifically tasked to deliver a letter to Romeo, he sent a Friar instead, who ended up being delayed and caused the failure of Friar Laurence’s plan. In summary, the Friar’s plan had many faults and ended up in

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