Factors Of Social Cohesion

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OECD is the first institutions, which asks the member states to take a social investment approach for a future social welfare state. Here the investment is social investment and the output is social cohesion, which will result in (and itself is the result of) the active societal participation by the citizenry. So, it is a sort of input – output concept, where, social investment is the input and social cohesion is the invisible output. European Union, in 2000, declared social and economic cohesion as the main goal. This cohesion is to be created through modernized social policy, regional redistribution, and new norms of governance involving both active citizenship and mechanism for identifying best democratic practices. Regional redistribution …show more content…

It is not only fighting social exclusion and poverty, but also creating solidarity in society so that the social exclusion will be minimized. ‘Consensus based explanation’ of social cohesion as the document published in 2001 clearly mentioned that ‘it does not define social cohesion as such but seeks to identify some of the factors in social cohesion’. On one hand it wants to ensure every citizen of ‘equal access and equal opportunities’ and ‘social and economic rights’. ‘Equal access and opportunities’ mean access to the means to secure their basic requirements, opportunities to advance, opportunity of protection and legal rights, opportunity to the dignity and social confidence. On the other hand, the concept of social cohesion constantly reminds us to be vigilant of any kind of discrimination, inequality, marginality and social exclusion. Social cohesion, as previously explained as traditional homogenizing form of social integration. In this approach, social integration is identity, sharing of the same culture, acceptance of the same value. Council of Europe does not accept social integration in such a way, …show more content…

Easterly, mentioned a two stage hypothesis regarding the social cohesion and growth which reads as follows: more social cohesion leads to better institutions through the participation of active citizenry, and better institutions in turn leads to higher growth and development. They also show that building social cohesion through the construction and maintenance of high quality institutions and good governance pursuing common good, and lowering of economic and social divisions remains a vital task for developing countries. So, it can be seen as a cyclic event. Social cohesion increases citizen or public participation which results in better institution and governance, which will also result in better development and better social cohesion level. Community cohesion is dealt in details in United Kingdom. According to various UK commissions, community cohesion is that substance which helps people from various groups belonging to a community to grow well together. It is also that substance which helps people in a locality to adjust with one another especially with old settlers and new ones. Now the vision of any cohesive community depends upon their preconditions as