Fahrenheit 451 Diary Entry

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July 25 2017 Kendrick was created in georges basement.George was so obsessed with creating this creature,that he would spend all his free time making this thing.When Kendrick came to life George felt fulfilled and effectuated,until the creature wasn't what he expected it to be.Kendrick didn't want to be stuck in the basement so he would escape every night and explore the city.George didn't realize until people around town began to complain about their property being vandalized.He didn't think much about it at first until he seen his neighbor's back yard,which was trashed, with big foot prints that could only match Kendricks. When George decided to confront Kendrick about his vandalism, he denied it and then got angry that george wasn't taking his …show more content…

He stopped his search for know because he to busy with school.George had told a couple of friends about his creature, and that he needs help finding the thing.George's friends really didn't believe him but still agreed to help him with whatever he needed.George finally had time to go search again ,but this time he was going to be more prepared.George brought his friends,a flashlight,google maps to mark off where he has looked, and other materials he needed .His friends and him went in a truck driving in the dark ,going through alley to alley looking for any destroyed yard or big footprints.George and his friends almost gave up looking , but then one of the friends notice some abandoned house with a little bit of light in it.George and his friends parked the truck across the building ,stopped and stared for a little while planing on how they should go in.Everyone started pouring out their ideas on how they should go in one friend suggested they should come in from all angle surrounding,another suggested to just go barging in.Everyone's ideas didn't seem ideal to george so he told them that he will go by himself because he didn't want anyone to get

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