Fahrenheit 451 Harrison Bergeron Analysis

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Imagine living in a world where you are forced to sacrifice everything, but gained nothing. The government is strictly controlling your every move and you have nowhere to turn. This is how life is in Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 and Kurt Vonnegut’s short story satire “Harrison Bergeron”. Bradbury was most commonly known for his scientific and fantasy writing style (Barron), as Vonnegut was known for writing about incredible inventions and space travel (Saltzman). Three common themes that exist between Fahrenheit 451 and “Harrison Bergeron” are the failure of rebellion, the sacrifice for peace, and the lack of society’s knowledge. One common theme that exists between both stories is that the simple idea of rebellion does not …show more content…

Many characters in Fahrenheit 451 have sacrificed common, simple things for their peace. They can no longer read books, drive slowly, or have meaningful conversations. If they do any of those things, they could be arrested or even get their houses burned to the ground. This theme is supported by the scene when Montag first meets Clarisse. She is speaking of the conditions the government forces them under that she is not fond of. Clarisse does not approve of how people are forced to drive fast, burn books, and think shallow thoughts. Her uncle thinks as she does, and she was speaking of his driving when she says to Montag, “He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days”(Bradbury 6). This scene then makes Montag think of all the things that people used to be able to do, that is now sacrificed for their country’s peace. Vonnegut’s character, Harrison, and his community has to give up their individuality to make everyone equal. “Handicaps” are placed on these people so no one person is stronger, smarter, prettier, etc. unless they have a high ranked job in the government. The Handicapper General puts weights on stronger people, masks on more attractive people, and loud noises in the heads of the intelligent people. This makes all of the society unstable, unattractive, unintelligent, but also