
Fairy Tail Guild Monologue

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The Fairy Tail Guild is as loud as ever. Everyone is having a good time! It 's a day of pranks and funny jokes, and Fairy Tail sure is enjoying it. Pranks have been pulled left and right. There 's no chance you 'll leave the guild without being pranked at least twice.


"Mehhnggh" I cry out loud as I slump into a seat by the bar.

"Oh Lucy, you 're back!" Mirajane smiled as she cleaned the plates and glasses.

"Yeah...Natsu did all the work though. Do you still have the April Cake left over?" I ask sighing. It was a sigh of disappoint and boredom, not exhaustion. I mean, shouldn 't I be able to help out during a job? Natsu does all the work. Yeah I know he 's strong and likes to help his friends and all, but I really want to be of use! I feel weak …show more content…

"What the hell?" I heard Gray yell. He seemed to be tilted forward. I would have laughed, but I didn 't. Well, maybe just a little.

"BLAAHGHGHGH" I heard Natsu yell even louder. He was storming around the hall, waving his arms around. What an idiot. That really helps the situation.

"I appear to be the opposite gender..." Erza said calmly. She took my mirror and looked herself over. My mirror. She could have at least asked!

"Aye!" Happy agreed. He didn 't even change!

"Oh my..." I heard Carla squeak. She looked as if she was about to shrivel up and die. Poor Carla!

"Uhm...guys..." Wendy stuttered. Poor Wendy!

Juvia shrieked as her eyes landed on Gray. "Eek!" Oh jeez, he 's trying to strip. Eh, I won 't stop him. It 's not my body after all.

Levy looked at the others, and quickly started to look over the package, again.

Gajeel sweat-dropped. "What the hell...why am I in some shrimp clothes?" He yelled. 'Shrimp clothes ', that doesn 't even make sense.

"Uh guys...what just happened?" I stammered.


Greetings, Nakama~


Oh my globs, what just happened?

Wait, WE

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